Break the Threshold Webinar Series 2019
Keep watching this space! New webinars will be scheduled soon.
Break the Threshold Webinar Series 2018
How to develop your purpose and sense of purpose.
- The COACH state
- What’s your life purpose?
- Developing a Reason for Being
- Start by using the Pillars of Purpose
- Reflection and Purpose
Webinar 2: The Shape of Journeys
How to use the Hero’s Journey for your own growth.
- The story of your life
- The Hero’s Journey
- The Archetypes
- The Shape of the Transformative Journey
- Your Hero’s Journey
Discover the core strengths needed for the Hero’s Journey as a path for self-development and growth.
- A journey interrupted
- The strengths of the Hero
- Developing awareness
- A journey completed
Webinar 4: Coaching and Self-Coaching with the Hero’s Journey
We discuss a coaching model using the Hero’s Journey as a metaphor and how this model can be used for coaching and self-coaching.
- Structure of a Coaching Session
- Preparation for Coaching
- Guiding Transformation
- Life Journeys
- The Coaching Journey
Webinar 5: Examples of Coaching with the Hero’s Journey Part 1
We continue discussing a coaching model using the Hero’s Journey as a metaphor, by looking at a coaching session example.
We have recorded a coaching call with a volunteer that demonstrates how coaching sessions may be approached.
Webinar 6: Wholebrain Thinking and the Hero’s Journey
Discover the necessity for creative thinking and the various thinking styles people use and how they can be applied to the Hero’s journey.
- The Transformational Journey
- Wholebrain Thinking – An 8-Dimensional Approach
- The Transformational Journey Revisited
- Developments in Neuroscience – Neuroplasticity
Webinar 7: Whole Brain Leadership and the Hero’s Journey
Discover how to transform and grow as a leader using thinking styles and the Hero’s Journey.
- The Transformative Journey Revisited
- Wholebrain Thinking Revisited
- From Fate to Destiny
Webinar 8: Examples of Coaching with the Hero’s Journey Part 2
We continue discussing a coaching model using the Hero’s Journey as a metaphor, by looking at a coaching session example.
We have recorded a coaching call with a volunteer that demonstrates how coaching sessions may be approached.
Webinar 9: Building a world you want to be a part of!
We explore how to design the world which you want to be a part of. We discuss how we look at the world, and how to creatively expand that view for a larger and more exciting world within which you can live out your compelling purpose.